Citation with stable link: Philip A. Harland, 'Guide to Ammianus Marcellinus,' Ethnic Relations and Migration in the Ancient World, last modified February 17, 2024,
This post is aimed at providing a guide for reading sequentally through ethnographic passages in Ammianus Marcellinus’ late fourth century work:
- Isaurians as a bandit-people – 14.2 (link)
- Arabians / Saracens – 14.4 (link)
- Romans – 14.6 (link)
- Celts / Gauls drawing on Timagenes of Alexandria (first century BCE) – 15.9-15.12 (link)
- Egyptians – 22.23 (link)
- Thracians and Black Sea peoples – 22.8 (link)
- Persians and neighbouring eastern peoples – 23.6 (link)
- Persian wisdom in connection with Zoroaster, Hystaspes, and the Magians – 23.6.25-36 (link)
- Thracians and Black Sea peoples (again) – 27.4 (link)
- Libyans, Maurians and Ausourianians in Africa – 27.9 (link)
- Isaurians as a bandit-people (again) – 27.9 (link)
- Romans (again) – 28.4 (link)
- Libyans, Maurians and Ausourianians in Africa (again) – 28.6 (link)
- Huns and Alans from the Eurasian steppe – 31.2 (link)