Guide to Plutarch of Chaironeia

Citation with stable link: Philip A. Harland, 'Guide to Plutarch of Chaironeia,' Ethnic Relations and Migration in the Ancient World, last modified May 23, 2024,

This is a guide to ethnographic passages from the works of Plutarch of Chaironeia (early second century CE) and works attributed to him (Pseudo-Plutarch*) on this website:

Characterizations of peoples (alphabetical by principal people)

  • Barbarian slaves as a bad influence on Greek children (link)
  • Celts and Germans in the biographies (link)
  • Cilicians as “pirates” threatening Roman ways (link)
  • Judeans, Syrians, Celts, Scythians and others and the origins of fearing the lower spirits, or “superstition” (link)
  • Lelegians, Minyans, and their relations with Greek Trallians (link)
  • *Lycians, Lydians, and Egyptians and the effeminacy of grief (link)
  • Mediterranean peoples and Pompey’s subjugation of the world (link)
  • Persians, Tyrrhenians and Lycians and their women (link)
  • Romans and the practice of human sacrifice (link)

Wise “barbarians” (alphabetical by people)

  • Egyptian wisdom via priests of Isis and Osiris (link)
  • Egyptian and Persian wisdom and refuting the “barbarian-lover” Herodotos (link)
  • Indian wisdom via naked philosophers and Kalanos (link)
  • Persian wisdom via Magians and Zoroaster (link)
  • Persian wisdom and Kleombrotos’ journeys (link)
  • Scythian wisdom via Anacharsis (link)

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